
the Palast

Welcome to Berlin-Mitte – the centre of German politics, but also Berlin’s trendy nightlife. Nowhere in Germany will you find more theaters in such a small area. And in the midst of it is the world’s biggest theater stage!

The Palast’s stage history goes back to 1919; the new theater building has stood at Friedrichstraße 107 since 1984. Today, the Palast has arrived in the twenty-first century: its Grand Shows are ultramodern and feature the latest high-tech effects. The theater is renowned for its ballet company comprising 60 dancers, 18-member show band and Young Ensemble with 280 Berlin kids between the ages of seven and 16.

In February, the show palace is transformed into a film palace when it becomes the Berlinale’s biggest cinema.


Virtual tour: Use your mouse or fingers to take a look around the theater hall and foyer. Click on the numbers on the right-hand side to access the different levels at the Palast.

The grand art deco style of the Friedrichstadt-Palast sets it apart from everything else built in either the East or West at around the same time. Its uniqueness and elegance means that it counts among the unparalleled architectural monuments of a past era.

Die Welt

The Palast is a tremendous asset to the city of Berlin.

Guido Maria Kretschmer

The monumental entertainment temple, which is one of the last remaining relics from the GDR, is decidedly unique and certainly deserves to be called ‘world-class’.

Süddeutsche Zeitung


The Palast is the number one among the Berlin theaters with 700.000 visitors every year


An absolute highlight of every Grand Show:
The breathtaking kickline


The Palast is unique in the world for its sheer size with 1.899 seats and a total of almost 3,000 square metres of stage


The largest ensuite shows in the world with over 100 stunning artists


Technically modernised: The famous water basin from 1984


Our ballet

The international dance ensemble comprises 60
dancers from 26 nations.



Our show band

The Palast show band is one of the world’s largest
ensuite ensembles with 18 musicians.



junges Ensemble

The Palast is an institution with a long tradition: Europe’s largest ensemble for kids and young people who showcase their talents every winter season.



Our history

The Palast Berlin has been the leading address for outstanding show entertainment for almost one hundred years now. Its beginnings can be traced back to the Großes Schauspielhaus under director Max Reinhardt.



Recommended by 98% of reviewers

Recommended by 96% of reviewers

"Certificate of Excellence
Winner 2012–2023"

Germany’s best-rated show theatre*

*Based on the total number of 5-star reviews.

2025-03-25 17:40:34 | 1742924434

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