

Terms of use for posting comments on the Palast’s social media pages

We provide information about activities at our theatre on our social media pages and look forward to a lively and open exchange of ideas. We kindly ask that you observe the following netiquette when posting your comments and adhere to the terms of use detailed below accordingly:

1. Insults and discrimination will not be tolerated

The Palast in Berlin sees itself as a theatre for diversity, freedom and acceptance, hence we particularly value polite communication and mutual respect. We ask that you express your points of view clearly in the discussions that take place on our webpages and respond fairly to the different opinions expressed by your counterparts. Unfriendly comments are not welcome. We would also like to point out that we do not allow discrimination, insults or provocation of any kind. Respect for other opinions is our top priority.

In the interest of all users, we reserve the right to check posts and to close, move or permanently remove these as necessary. We would moreover like to point out that we are able to block individual users from using the comment function without prior consultation if the terms of use detailed here are not adhered to. In the event of gross violations, we also reserve the right to secure evidence (screenshots) and to report the post to the authorities.

2. Significance of the content of comments

We encourage you to comment on the content of our webpages, to participate in discussions and to of course also be critical. Please ensure that you provide comprehensible arguments for the respective topic and express your personal opinion. Please also refrain from making assertions or voicing suspicions that are incomprehensible or cannot be verified.

3. Rights and naming of sources

You must have written the comments and taken the photos you post yourself and must not violate any third-party rights, copyrights or personal rights. You may supplement your own formulations with quotes as long as these are clearly marked as such. We reserve the right to share and distribute user contributions as appropriate (also outside the respective social media).

4. Laws

The applicable laws must be observed; user contributions that violate any laws are prohibited. Among others, this includes any statements containing obscenities, pornography, hate propaganda, incitement to violence, and insults or degradation of persons or companies. Calls for political demonstrations, the offering of goods or services and spamming are also not permitted.

5. Miscellaneous

The publication of contact addresses, telephone numbers, personal data, web links and commercial or advertising references is not permitted. Furthermore, we prohibit the use of temporary disposable email addresses for the registration of profiles.

The Palast is not liable for the content of user contributions and reminds of your personal responsibility for your contributions. Our terms of use must be observed to participate in discussions. No right to publication exists.

Our social media team is responsible for comments and for ensuring that the aforementioned terms of use are adhered to. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time regarding any comments published on our social media pages: [email protected]

Our social media team is usually available between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. on weekdays. Since team members also have other responsibilities (ticket hotline, etc.), our online pages are not monitored continuously.


We look forward to receiving your comments and feedback!


Berlin, 17 August 2016

The Social Media Team at the Palast

Recommended by 98% of reviewers

Recommended by 96% of reviewers

"Certificate of Excellence
Winner 2012–2023"

Germany’s best-rated show theatre*

*Based on the total number of 5-star reviews.

2025-02-05 12:59:44 | 1738760384

Datenschutzhinweis zum Chatbot

Mit der Verwendung des Chatbots werden die Datenübertragung des Chatverlaufs an den Chatbot-Betreibenden (BOTfriends GmbH) und die Datenspeicherung/-verarbeitung durch die BOTfriends GmbH akzeptiert. Nähere Informationen und die Widerrufsmöglichkeit hierzu sind in unserer DATENSCHUTZERKLÄRUNG zu finden.