Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Representatives of the Media,

The photos in this press area may be used free of charge exclusively for editorial coverage of the Palast and its shows as long as the respective photographer is clearly credited.

If you are interested in publishing any of our material, please contact us. We would also greatly appreciate it if you sent us a copy of the published article.

Downloadable images are available via the following links.


The Palast
Dr. Berndt Schmidt

The Palast

The Palast in Berlin | Photo: Bernd Brundert

The Foyer of the Palast | Photo: Bernd Brundert

La Diva in the Palast | Photo: Antonios Mitsopoulos

La Diva in the Palast | Photo: Antonios Mitsopoulos


CALEIDOSCOPE, Soloist: Olivier St. Louis | Photo: Nady El-Tounsy

THIS IS ME, Cemetery of Pearls | Photo: Nady El-Tounsy

THE GREEN GARDEN | Photo: Nady El-Tounsy

THE DIAMOND CITY | Photo: Nady El-Tounsy

THE RED GARDEN | Photo: Nady El-Tounsy

NEW BEGINNING (The Mixed Colour Garden) | Photo: Nady El-Tounsy

LIVE IT UP (Disco scene) | Photo: Nady El-Tounsy

HUMANS OF OUR TIME | Photo: Chris Moylan

Final applause premiere FALLING | IN LOVE | Photo: Markus Nass

Jean Paul GAULTIER and soloist Olivier St. Louis | Photo: Nady El-Tounsy

Jean Paul GAULTIER and soloist Olivier St. Louis | Photo: Nady El-Tounsy

Jean Paul GAULTIER | Photo: Nady El-Tounsy

Jean Paul GAULTIER and head of Costume department Elisabetta Pian | Photo: Nady El-Tounsy

Jean Paul GAULTIER | Photo: Nady El-Tounsy

Jean Paul GAULTIER | Photo: Nady El-Tounsy

Design Duo Fecal Matter | Photo: Markus Nass

Dr. Berndt Schmidt, Jean Paul GAULTIER and Oliver Hoppmann (ltr) | Photo: Markus Nass

Jean Paul GAULTIER | Photo: Markus Nass

Costume figurine drawn by Jean Paul GAULTIER

Performance artist Sasha Frolova | Photo: Markus Nass

Costume design: Jean Paul GAULTIER | Photo: Markus Nass

Costume design: Jean Paul GAULTIER | Photo: Markus Nass

Costume design: Jean Paul GAULTIER | Photo: Markus Nass

Costume design: Jean Paul GAULTIER | Photo: Markus Nass

Costume design: Jean Paul GAULTIER | Photo: Markus Nass

Costume design: Jean Paul GAULTIER | Photo: Markus Nass

Costume design: Jean Paul GAULTIER | Photo: Markus Nass

Costume design: Jean Paul GAULTIER | Photo: Markus Nass

Costume design: Jean Paul GAULTIER | Photo: Markus Nass

Costume design: Jean Paul GAULTIER | Photo: Markus Nass

Laura Panzeri (Me) | Photo: Markus Nass

Olivier St. Louis (Leon) | Photo: Markus Nass

Dr. Berndt Schmidt, General Director

Berndt Schmidt | Photo: Markus Nass

Berndt Schmidt | Photo: Markus Nass

Berndt Schmidt | Photo: Markus Nass

Berndt Schmidt | Photo: Markus Nass

Recommended by 98% of reviewers

Recommended by 96% of reviewers

"Certificate of Excellence
Winner 2012–2023"

Germany’s best-rated show theatre*

*Based on the total number of 5-star reviews.

2025-03-31 23:31:02 | 1743463862

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