A Grand Show to fall in love with

FALLING | IN LOVE is intoxicating beauty.
Dive into a billowing sea of colours and feelings – curated by celebrity Parisian designer Jean Paul GAULTIER
Berlin’s hottest new show with the undescribable magic of 100 million Swarovski crystals. A new world record. The culmination of this crystal frenzy on the world’s largest theatrical stage is the world’s largest Swarovski crystal.

Only until July 05!


from 27,90 €



Approx. 2,5 hours
incl. a 30-minute interval



From 8 years


Also suitable for guests who do not speak German

+49 30-2326 2330 | [email protected]


Who are You? You is young, passionate and full of longing, In Diamond City he doesn’t fit into amy mould. In the stone-faced people around him he finds no love. Without any hope, You would just like to sink into the ground.

Then the tarmac beneath his feet crumbles – and You falls into a different reality.

There below, in the lost garden of love, he sees what he has never seen before. That eternal human dream of a better world actually exists. But walled in by traditional normsit has lost all its colourfulness.

Will a young, deaf poet finally find the words that will make beauty and love blossom again in all their colours.

FALLING | IN LOVE is a fantasy in bloom. As dreamy as it could ever be.

For the New York Times, our grand shows are an absolute ‘must-see’! A total of 100 artists from 28 nations on the world’s largest stage, so beautiful it’s hard not to fall in love.


What might interest you and your pupils:

FALLING | IN LOVE is about exclusion, retreating into one’s own bubble and rejecting anyone who’s different. It is about conformism, diversity, variety, respect and the power of language (poetry).
The message is that in an ideal world, all colours (cultures, lifestyles) are able to shine.

From September 24



What’s the show all about?

What would it be like to wake up in a world of happiness? When Luci opens her eyes, she is surrounded by her most beautiful unlived dreams. The magnificence of this dream world is simply breathtaking; her old life is nothing but a distant echo. Every breath Luci takes is like a brush stroke and every space that opens up is a symphony of unimagined possibilities. And before her stands the man of her dreams.

A new beginning, her imagination whispers. Dreams can be dashed, reminds reason. Her dream man senses that Luci, blinded by so much happiness, may not trust him. But he knows they will only have a chance if they allow their two worlds to merge. He fights with all he has for the love of his life. Luci faces the fundamental question that we must all ask ourselves at some point: Should we remain realistic or do we have the courage to live our dreams?

BLINDED by DELIGHT is a reminder of happiness that overwhelms all the senses. And who knows, maybe at the beginning of every change there is a dream that wants to be held on to and not to slip away.

Good to know

About the show title

The word BLINDED describes how Luci is entirely overwhelmed by her emotions. DELIGHT refers to                                   
the intoxicating, almost ecstatic feelings that she experiences. Luci is so caught up in the happiness                             
of her dreams and her romantic feelings that she wonders whether it can all be real or will vanish in                               
the next blink of an eye.

Is it all lies or love? BLINDED by DELIGHT expresses this emotional dichotomy. A passionate dance                                   
of powerful emotions.

Booking request

Group visit

Would you like to visit our Grand Show with a school group? We offer special conditions for school group visits. You can use this form to send us a non-binding reservation request.

+49 30-2326 2330 | [email protected]

Please pick a show:
Grand Show
(only until Jul 05, 2025)
Grand Show
(starting Sep 24, 2025)


What makes the Palast so unique?

Welcome to Berlin’s #1 venue for dazzling show entertainment!

in Berlin

Our productions don’t tour to every city. You can only experience them here at the Palast.

is grand

Ultra-modern Grand Shows featuring state-of-the-art high-tech effects on the world’s biggest theatre stage


The Palast’s kickline is the longest in the world, a real crowd pleaser and an absolute highlight of every Grand Show

100 years
of Tradition

Today a listed building, the Palast has been writing stage history since 1919 and leads the revue tradition into the twenty-first century

Recommended by 98% of reviewers

Recommended by 96% of reviewers

"Certificate of Excellence
Winner 2012–2023"

Germany’s best-rated show theatre*

*Based on the total number of 5-star reviews.

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