

General terms and conditions of reservation and business of Friedrichstadt-Palast Betriebsgesellschaft mbH

Valid from 17 January 2025

The Friedrichstadt-Palast box office shall grant discounts upon presentation of the according identification. For discounted tickets booked via the call centre, proof of eligibility for a discount must be shown at admission. If the according identification cannot be presented, the outstanding balance for full-priced admission must be paid. Only one discount may be applied per ticket!

Guests aged 65 and over receive a 10% discount on tickets in price categories 1+ to 4. Schoolchildren, students, trainees, people completing a voluntary social year, children and young people up to and including the age of 17, employment seekers and social welfare recipients receive a 20% discount on tickets in price categories 1+ to 4..

Guests with severe disabilities (from a 50% degree of disability) receive a 20% discount in price categories 1+ to 4. A disability ID card must be presented. The wheelchair spaces cost the same as tickets for price category 5. If a guest requires an assistant (code B on the disability ID card), the seats for the assistant in price categories 1+ to 5 are free of charge.

Young Show
Guests with disabilities will be granted the following discounts: 20 per cent for persons with a moderate or severe or profound disability for price categories premium-4. The wheelchair spaces cost the same as tickets for price category 5. For guests with disabilities requiring constant assistance (holders of a disabled pass confirming severely impaired mobility), the carer will receive a free ticket for price categories premium-5. The child prices apply for children including the age of 17.

Age recommendations
The recommended minimum age for the Grand Show is 8 years. Children under the age of 6 will not be admitted.
The recommended minimum age for the kids’ show is 5 years. Children under the age of 3 will not be admitted.

Friedrichstadt-Palast ticket retailers will receive commission on tickets for Wall Sky Lounge, VIP and premium seats as well as for seats in price categories 1–4 in accordance with the contractual arrangements only.

Return or exchange of tickets
Tickets may not be returned after purchase. We reserve the right to make changes to the show line-up; this does not entitle ticket holders to a refund for tickets already purchased. No refund will be given for expired tickets. Tickets can be exchanged as long as they were purchased directly from the Friedrichstadt-Palast and the “FlexTicket” option was booked.

Ticket delivery
If desired, tickets that have already been paid for may be delivered by post. The delivery fee is 5,90 euros per order. The Friedrichstadt-Palast assumes no liability whatsoever for the timely delivery of tickets, vouchers and other products sent by post, or for loss of or damage to the delivery.

Vouchers, voucher expiry and credit
Vouchers are generally valid for three years from the end of the year in which the voucher was issued. Tickets are issued according to availability. The holder of a voucher has no legal claim to any particular show date or seats. Vouchers can only be redeemed for Friedrichstadt-Palast productions and not for guest events. All types of credit expire two years after the date of accrual.

Deception and fraud
Should the Friedrichstadt-Palast establish that fraud, deception or attempted fraud or deception has occurred in connection with the purchase or redemption of vouchers, credit or tickets, the Friedrichstadt-Palast is not required to redeem the vouchers, credits or tickets in question.

Lost tickets
In the event that a customer loses their ticket, they may be issued a replacement ticket for a fee of 5 euros if they can provide proof of which ticket they purchased. The holder of the replacement ticket has precedence over the holder of the original ticket.

The cloakrooms and foyers will normally be opened one hour before the start of the show. For safety reasons and out of consideration for the artists and other guests, guests can only be admitted to the theater hall at a suitable moment and with no guarantee of seating in the reserved seat once a show has started.

Admission and bag checks
For security reasons Friedrichstadt-Palast or the event organiser, or any third party operating on behalf of Friedrichstadt-Palast or the event organiser, will have the right to carry out admission checks. This includes the right to search and screen persons, as well as to check the contents of bags, rucksacks and other containers.

On purchasing a ticket visitors give their consent to these measures. Any failure to comply with such a search will lead to removal from the site of Friedrichstadt-Palast or refusal of admission. The same will apply if any dangerous or prohibited objects are found. Such dangerous or prohibited objects include all cutting or pointed weapons, knives, scissors as well as any long pointed or sharp objects, together with weapons and any other objects whose use can cause severe physical harm. Such objects must be handed to the security personnel.

For Friedrichstadt-Palast the admission check is a condition of its contractual service obligations. If admission can legitimately be refused, any claim to a refund of the price of the admission ticket will be restricted.

Cloakroom items may not be taken into the theater hall. Coats, jackets, backpacks, suitcases and bags of more than 45*40*20 cm in size must be stored in the cloakroom.

House rules
The Friedrichstadt-Palast, respective event operator and/or third party commissioned by the Friedrichstadt-Palast or respective event operator will enforce the house rules. Instructions given by the Friedrichstadt-Palast, respective event operator and/or the third party commissioned by the Friedrichstadt-Palast or respective event operator must be followed at all times without delay. Any failure to follow instructions may lead to removal from the premises. Guests may be refused entry to the premises if there is reason to believe that they will disturb the performance or bother other guests. Entry may also be refused to those who have repeatedly violated these General Terms and Conditions. Persons interfering with the sale of tickets or bothering guests can be removed from the premises. The offering of tickets for resale is not permitted in the ticket hall or elsewhere on the Friedrichstadt-Palast premises. Smoking is prohibited throughout the entire building. Instructions from Friedrichstadt-Palast staff must be followed. Guests are not permitted to bring food and beverages with them onto the premises. Neither food nor beverages may be consumed in the theater hall.

Transfer of rights
With handover of the admission tickets, Friedrichstadt-Palast is irrevocably authorised to produce or have produced image and sound recordings of guests. It is moreover granted the free, exclusive right unrestricted in time or place to use these recordings in full or in part as often as desired (1) on television and the internet, regardless of the technical transmission method, type of receiver device, broadcaster and non-remuneration of the consumers, (2) to enable users individual access via television, computer or similar (“on demand”), (3) for audiovisual dissemination on image/sound media other than the radio, (4) for archiving purposes, and (5) for all types of usage that is as yet still technically unknown. The rights granted may be transferred to third parties without the guests’ consent.

The recording of sound, image and/or video footage of performances, including for personal usage, is strictly prohibited. The Friedrichstadt-Palast explicitly emphasises that non-compliance may lead to criminal proceedings. In the event of infringement of these conditions, and particularly the publication of recordings of performing artists on the internet or similar media, the Friedrichstadt-Palast assumes no liability whatsoever.

Force majeure
Should a guest be prevented from attending a show for reasons beyond the Friedrichstadt-Palast’s control (force majeure) or that cannot be foreseen or prevented by reasonable efforts and expenditure on the part of the Friedrichstadt-Palast, the Friedrichstadt-Palast is relieved of its obligation to provide services. Examples of force majeure include legitimate industrial action (incl. by third-party operators) as well as measures ordered by the authorities such as closures due to terror alerts, etc. This also applies in the event that a show is cancelled due to technical reasons that could not be foreseen, remedied by reasonable measures, or prevented through precautions.

In such cases, the customer is not entitled to any compensation or other claims against the Friedrichstadt-Palast.

Dispute resolution
The European Commission offers an online platform for dispute resolution at https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home.chooseLanguage.

Parking information
A limited number of parking spaces are available close to the Palast für wheelchair users arriving by car. Call our ticket hotline (+49 30-2326 2326) to reserve a space in advance. A fee of €20 applies.

Entry into force
These General Terms and Conditions are valid from 10 August 2023. The previously applicable General Terms and Conditions of the Friedrichstadt-Palast shall simultaneously cease to be effective.

The right to make amendments remains reserved.

Recommended by 98% of reviewers

Recommended by 96% of reviewers

"Certificate of Excellence
Winner 2012–2023"

Germany’s best-rated show theatre*

*Based on the total number of 5-star reviews.

2025-03-04 13:11:08 | 1741093868

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